
According to § 5 TMG

Beck Kabel- und Gehäusetechnik GmbH
Bärenfelsallee 20
D-17121 Loitz / OT Rustow

Telefon: +49 (0)39998 311-140
Fax: +49 (0)39998 311-142


Managing director: Dr. Dieter Beck,  Konstantin Beck (M.Sc.)

Commercial Register Stralsund: HR B 20688

VAT Id-number: DE 175 475 642 gemäß § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz

Person responsible according to § 18 Abs. 2 MStV: Dieter Beck (Address as above)

Despite careful checking, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The content of linked pages is the exclusive responsibility of their operators.

Online dispute resolution:
The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform at which consumers can use to resolve a dispute and where further information on dispute resolution can be found.

Out-of-court settlement of disputes:
We are neither obliged nor willing to participate in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer redress body in the event of a dispute with a consumer.

Webdesign & Realisation:
Graubalance GmbH, Nürnberg

Picture credits:

  • Homepage: (Banner). Product thumbnails: Dirk Kampa / Graubalance, Ralf Sokolowski / Beck Kabel- und Gehäusetechnik
  • Product pages and news: Product illustrations come from the respective manufacturers
  • Products – Lithium batteries / Battery assembly:
  • Company – About us: Beck Kabel- und Gehäusetechnik
  • Company – Our clients: Logos come from the respective clients
  • Company – History: BECK-Elektronik, BECK Kabel- und Gehäusebearbeitung, Dirk Kampa / Graubalance
  • Service: Beck Kabel- und Gehäusetechnik, BECK-Elektronik